| viš.pred.mag. Štefan Dobravec, univ.dipl.inž.el.
delovno mesto: Asistent z magisterijem služba: Asistent katedra: VIII. Katedra za informacijske in komunikacijske tehnologije laboratorij: Laboratorij za uporabniku prilagojene komunikacije in ambientno inteligenco št. sobe: BNK18-LDOS telefon: 857 tajnica: 320 e-pošta:
opis: RAZISKAVE Priporočilni sistemi, socialni signali, multimedijske tehnologije, digitalna obdelava signalov. IZBRANE PUBLIKACIJE § KUNAVER, Matevž, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, POŽRL, Tomaž, KOŠIR, Andrej. Increasing Top-20 search results diversity through recommendation post-processing. V: UMAP 2014. CANTADOR, Iván (ur.). UMAP 2014 extended proceedings : posters, demos, late-breaking results and workshop proceedings of the 22nd Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation, and Personalization, Aalborg, Denmark, July 7-11, 2014, (CEUR workshop proceedings, ISSN 1613-0073, vol. 1181). [S. l.]: CEUR-WS, 2014 § KUNAVER, Matevž, POŽRL, Tomaž, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, KOŠIR, Andrej. Increasing Top-20 diversity through recommendation post-processing. V: 11th European Semantic Web Conference, May 25th - 29th 2014, Heraklion, Crete, Greece. Semantic Web evaluation. [S. l.]: STI International, cop. 2010-2014, p.p. 1-6 § TKALČIČ, Marko, KOŠIR, Andrej, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, TASIČ, Jurij F. Emotional properties of latent factors in an image recommender system. Elektrotehniški vestnik, ISSN 2232-3228 §DARAS, Petros, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, TRNKOCZY, Jernej, et al. VICTORY - a 3D search engine over P2P and wireless P2P networks. V: Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Wireless Internet, Maui, Hawaii, November 17-19, 2008, (ACM international conference proceedings series, 682). Brussels: Institute for Computer Sciences, Social-Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering: = ICST, 2008, cop. 2009, p.p. 1-5 § MARUŠIČ, Boštjan, DOBRAVEC, Štefan, CUETOS, Philippe de, CONCOLATO, Cyril, PIRON, Laurent, TASIČ, Jurij F. TIRAMISU : a novel approach to content representation and key management for seamless super-distribution of protected media. Signal processing, Image communication, ISSN 0923-5965. [Print ed.], 2005, vol. 20, p.p. 947-971