Higher education teachers: Bojkovski Jovan
Subject description
- Enrolment in the Doctoral study programme in Electrical Engineering (3rd cycle), basics of computer science and mathematics
Content (Syllabus outline):
- Basic concepts of virtual measurement instrument
- Software for programming virtual measurement instruments, graphical programming, data flow concept
- Hardware for virtual measurement instruments, communication bus, plug in data acquisition board
- Basic of data acquisition
- Synthetic measurement instruments
- Control of virtual instruments via TCP/IP network
- Automation of measurement laboratory based on the central database approach
- Development of Virtual instruments – good practice guides
- Methods of testing and validation of virtual measurement instruments, limitation of software testing
- Software quality and other quality standards
- Reliability of software
- Advanced software testing techniques
- How to prepare good test case
- Different testing methods
- Open source code and quality (Linux, BSD, Android, ...)
Objectives and competences:
Basic concept of virtual measurement instrument, basic and advanced methods of software quality assurance, concepts and good programming practice, testing and validation of software methods, methods for preparing test cases, link between software quality and quality standards, Open source code and quality (Linux, BSD, Android, ...)
Intended learning outcomes:
Knowledge and understanding:
- Concept of virtual measurement instruments
- Graphical software tools for programming virtual measurement instruments
- Different methods of software testing
Learning and teaching methods:
- lectures,
- seminar,
- individual work.

Study materials
- Virtual Instrument no Virtual Reality but Real PC Based Measuring System, Vladimir Haasz et al, IEEE 2005
- Virtual Instrumentation and Traditional Instruments, National instruments, 2012
- Computerized Instrumentation, Tran Tien Lang, Wiley, 1991
- Synthetic Instrumentation: Contemporary architectures and applications, Peter Pragastis et al, RF Design, 2004
- Glenford J. Myers, Corey Sandler, Tom Badgett, and Todd M. Thomas: “The Art of Software Testing”, John Wiley & Sons, 2011
- Debra S. Herrmann: “Software Safety and Reliability: Techniques, Approaches, and Standards of Key Industrial Sectors”, Wiley-IEEE Computer Society Pr, 2000
- P. Ciarlini, A.B. Forbes, F. Pavese, D. Richter: “Advanced Mathematical & Computational Tools in Metrology IV,V,VI, VII, VIII and IX”, World Scientific Publishing Co, 2000-2012
- Ian Sommerville: ”Software Engineering”, Adison Wesley, 2011
- ISO/IEC 25000 Software Engineering -- Software product Quality Requirements and Evaluation (SQuaRE) -- Guide to SquaRE, 2014